Solo Retreat Program

If you could have an individualized curated experience designed for you for deep rest and reconnecting to yourself, would you want my help? Enter, the SOLO RETREAT!

I’ll send you everything you need to host your own Solo Retreat! We’re talking workbook, itinerary, creative projects, fun food, and joyful movement recommendations - all shipped to you in an individualized care package via snail mail! (something like this!)

The Solo Retreat program is designed to:

  • Fit into your life and schedule so that you can spend your precious time on you rather than all the details.

  • Bring structure to your self discovery when you don’t even know where to start.

  • Bring clarity to your purpose to help guide your life decisions, shape your goals, and offer a sense of direction for you.

  • Help you to find more joy in your daily life by living with more intention and consciousness.

  • Inspire you to live your best life!


“The best thing I did for myself all year!”

“I was surprised that this program did actually help to bring clarity to my purpose and gave me a sense of direction.”

“My solo retreat helped me to realize I really need to make more time for rest, play, and creative tasks.”

“The videos made me smile and feel not so alone in the solo adventure.”


If you want all the tools to complete your own Solo Retreat so that you can gain more clarity and joy in your life, sign up today!

This Solo Retreat program includes:

  • Customized Itinerary Plan 📅

    • Including joyful movement ideas and creative projects to tap into your left and right brain!

  • Beautiful Bound Workbook 📔

    • Over 40 pages of self-discovery, journaling, and resources to inspire you, challenge you, and guide you to live life on your terms!

  • Personalized Care Package 🎁

    • With tasty treats, thoughtful touches, and creative supplies!

  • All shipped to you! 💌


  • Full access to the instructional videos sharing how to effectively use your time and workbook 💻

  • Personal call with me to discuss your unique goals and needs so I can create a more specialized experience solely for you! 📱

  • Opportunity to DM with me directly with a response within 24 hours 💬

WHAT YOU GET - an individualized curated experience:

Customized Itinerary Plan (valued at $97)

Beautiful Bound Workbook (valued at $47)

Personalized Care Package (valued at $119)

Instructional Videos (valued at $497)

Initial Phone Call and Discovery Session (valued at $97)

**BONUS - Ultimate Self Care + Planning Bundle (valued at $99)**


YOUR PRICE - $597 ($359 OFF!)


Who is this program for?

This program is for women who:

  • Feel that they are not living their life on their own terms or that their time is being run and dictated by others.

  • Are stressed about work, life, and home balance

  • Have mom-guilt or wife-guilt

  • Need some guidance in prioritizing themselves and their focus

  • Are giving their lives to their employers

  • Know they will show up better for their loved ones when they take the time for themselves and their self care

If any of these resonate with you, this program is for you!

How much time will this take?

This program is designed to fit into your life and schedule so that you can spend your precious time on you rather than all the details. You can spend anywhere from 4 hours to 4 days on your solo retreat. Here are some ways we can work together to fit this into your schedule:

EXAMPLE 1: Book an Airbnb nearby for the perfect weekend retreat.

EXAMPLE 2: Take a couple days during the week to spend time at a friend’s or family cabin.

EXAMPLE 3: Spend 3 long lunch hours in your favorite park or coffee shop

There are lots of options to make this happen - the most important part is setting aside time all to yourself with no distractions.

What other costs are there?

This all depends on YOU! My favorite way to do this is to take a weekend at an Airbnb. I look for places within an hour or two at about $100/night or less. I also stock up on groceries and cook for myself - this is part of my own self care!

If you have access to a family cabin or friend’s house (maybe house sitting?!) then that would save you some money (and maybe even make some!!)

You’re going to need to purchase some additional food besides what snacks I send you. If you’ve got a kitchen available, that’s the least expensive, or you can always go out or order in for the ultimate luxe experience!

Besides food and lodging, you shouldn’t have to spend any more money - and those things are flexible and all depend on you.

What should I expect to gain from this experience?

I created the Solo Retreat as an option to fit with you! You pick the time and place, you use the retreat resources to dive into what you want to focus on. Once you sign up, we’ll get to know each other with an initial call, and then I’ll send you everything you need to host your own Solo Retreat!

To give you an idea of the transformations you may achieve - After reviewing my journals and workbooks, I’ve actually made some HUGE changes in my life!  I’ve changed:

  • From negative responses to my partner; To thinking before I speak and leading with grace

  • From wondering what to do when I’m by myself; To having fun plans for solo dates and self care

  • From overwhelm in time management; To daily routines and rituals that work for me

You can expect to get to know yourself more fully and to gain clarity on where you want your life to head and how you want to lead it.

How does this compare to hiring other self-help professionals?

A life coach or counselor may cost anywhere between $75 - $200 per hour of their time. This program is different because you are self-coaching! With the guidance of this program, you will identify your own needs, get to know yourself, and create a personalized and prioritized action plan. Self-coaching can help you to gain confidence and feel empowered to move forward in your life on your terms.