Solo Retreat


Solo Retreat


If you’re like many high achieving, ambitious working women, you often feel that your life and time are being run by others. With work and life so intertwined, it’s hard to find balance and to stay grounded in your purpose and goals. With so many expectations on your time, it can feel like too much to even identify your purpose and goals!

The Solo Retreat program is designed to fit into your life and bring structure to your self discovery, bring clarity to your purpose, and help you to find more joy in your daily life.

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You may have heard of women’s retreats before and were maybe even interested.  But didn’t have the time, or were intimidated by the idea of doing something new in a group. Maybe you’re an introvert who would prefer more alone time, or too independent and would rather do it on your own in your own way!

I created the Solo Retreat as an option to fit with you! You pick the time and place, you use the retreat resources to dive into what you want to focus on. Once you sign up, we’ll get to know each other with an initial call, and then I’ll send you everything you need to host your own Solo Retreat! We’re talking workbook, itinerary, creative projects, fun food, and joyful movement recommendations - all shipped to you in an individualized care package via snail mail!

To give you an idea of the transformations you may achieve - After reviewing my journals and workbooks, I’ve actually made some HUGE changes in my life!  I’ve changed:

  • From negative responses to my partner ➡️ thinking before I speak and leading with grace

  • From wondering what to do when I’m by myself ➡️ having fun plans for solo dates and self care

  • From overwhelm in time management ➡️ daily routines and rituals that work for me

I’ve put in a lot of time, effort, and research to get to this point and, as much as it feels scary and vulnerable, I’m ready to share what I’ve learned because I’m so sure it will help others!

This program is new on the market - so sign up today to lock in your price!  You don’t need to know your date yet, just that you will do this within six months of purchase.


If you want all the tools to complete your own Solo Retreat so that you can gain more clarity and joy in your life, sign up today!

This Solo Retreat program includes:

  • Customized Itinerary Plan 📅

    • Including joyful movement ideas and creative projects to tap into your left and right brain!

  • Beautiful Bound Workbook 📔

    • Over 40 pages of self-discovery, journaling, and resources to inspire you, challenge you, and guide you to live life on your terms!

  • Personalized Care Package 🎁

    • With tasty treats and thoughtful touches!

  • All shipped to you! 💌


  • Full access to the instructional videos sharing how to effectively use your time and workbook 💻

  • Personal call with me to discuss your unique goals and needs so I can create a more specialized experience solely for you! 📱

  • Invitation to the exclusive FB group to form relationships with other like minded women 👭

  • Opportunity to DM with me directly with a response within 24 hours 💬